When the Malt is Smoked
This Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen is indubitably one of the best-known of the Rauchbier style: a highly smoked beer. This smoky character results from drying the malts over an open flame or in a kiln using indirect heat.
This beer is produced by the Brauerei Heller, in Bamberg (Bavaria, Germany). This city has a thousand-year-old brewing tradition, and matchless know-how about smoked beers. This family brewery has been active for generations.
At the first sip, some of you may find the taste somewhat strange. The aroma is woody and a barbecue smoke invites itself into your mouth. But, after a short while, you’re coming back for more, because what’s well done always attracts. So try it!
This beer was awarded a gold medal at the World Beer Cup in 1996.