Ommegang Glimmerglass
The Glimmerglass, as described by James Fenimore Cooper in the Leatherstocking Tales, lies just outside Cooperstown, NY, where the Brewery Ommegang is located. Now called Otsego Lake, in Cooper’s tales of Natty Bumpo, the Glimmerglass is what the Mohican tribe of Native Americans called this shining body of water.
Today, the Glimmerglass State Park in Upstate New York is where families go in the summertime to enjoy the outdoors through hiking, camping, and swimming at the shores of the lake. Brewery Ommegang named its spring seasonal saison after Glimmerglass to welcome the oncoming fair weather in appropriate fashion.
The amber colored, refreshing saison pours softly into its awaiting chalice, with a white head several fingers thick that reminds the drinker of the high fluffy clouds of a beautiful spring or summer day. Smell and taste the fruit aromas of apple, pear, and citrus balanced by the pepper spice of the saison yeast. This refreshing beer is the perfect celebration of the oncoming season of carefree days, beautiful breezes, and calm and refreshing nights.