Musical Moshi Moshi
Brewed for the 15th anniversary of Moshi Moshi Records, a London-based record label, this Scottish beer is to be listened to “with a faint air of smugness while listening to a great Moshi Moshi Record” (according to Brewdog’s blog). A beer delivered in limited edition, showing a good deal of business acumen.
As already discussed, BrewDog (Ellon, Aberdeenshire) is very active (about 125,000 bottles per month) and produces a wide range of beers, with an impressive style turnover. This one is an American Pale Ale (5.2% ABV) — a quasi-exception, surprisingly enough, in Brewdog’s product scope.
This very easy-drinking beer with a resinous nose develops a nice bitterness that overshadows the sweetness. Malt manifests itself in beautiful roasted notes and, as the label puts it, “heavy riffs of American hops” impose their presence. Modern, definitively resinous, fresh and lively, this APA remains very British with its omnipresent caramel flavour.