Malts and Hops: A Quest for Balance
As has been pointed out previously, the 8 Wired Brewing Co is located in Marlborough (South Island, New Zealand), a region well known for the quality of its wine and, for a few years now, for hop production.
This bright orangey IPA contains three hops (Southern Cross, Motueka, and Nelson Sauvin) and four malts (Gladfield Pale, Munich, Crystal, and Caramalt). On the former side, Nelson Sauvin dominates, and on the latter Gladfield Pale. The former has a strong, fruity flavour and is used to produce punchy ales; the latter gives a nice toasty character and improves mouth feel and head retention.
This gives you some small idea of the constant search for balance always being conducted in the world of craft brewing. For the dosages of its malts and hops, as well as the support of its yeast, this beer is outstanding, as noted by BeerAdvocate.