Hop Ottin’ IPA
I found it in can. A little cylinder concentrating a high dose of Columbus and Cascade hops, almost making you forget the three malts it also contains: Pale Two-Row, Crystal, and Munich. A little can, but a big glass of IPA! On the nose, citrus, pine, grapefruit and resin are immediately there.
On the palate, we find a short trace of caramel maltiness, and, little by little, a balance with the notes of the highly-present hops. That said, the general sense remains that of a hoppy bitterness, without being a hop bomb – still 78 IBU. A robust 7.0%-ABV IPA, yet not lacking subtlety with its floral signature.
We had already expressed appreciation for the Anderson Valley Brewing Company (Boonville, California), which in its time (1987) was among the first 20 craft breweries in the USA.