Simple and Effective
To get a good fix on this beer, simply translate its name: Hommelbier means “Hop-beer” in Dutch. It comes from the Brouwerij Van Eecke (Watou, West Flanders, Belgium) — that is to say, right in the heart of the Flemish hop-growing region: Watou, a small town that has a statue dedicated to the “Unknown Brewer”…
Needless to say, this 7.5% ABV golden ale is rather hoppy (East Kent Goldings and Hallertau), bitter, and crisp. However, savouring it, several nuances emerge: honey, orange, cumin, resin… I also detect sweet candy malts and earthy yeast. It’s a simple, frank beer, the kind I like when they show a little subtlety into the bargain.
This very refreshing beer is good enough to be drunk alone, just for its own sake, rather than looking for the perfect dish to accompany it.