Gypsy or Not?
The “gypsy” movement in craft brewing is growing steadily. Several posts on our website were dedicated to beers produced by gypsy breweries, also called “phantom” breweries. Gypsy, because there are itinerant. Phantom… perhaps because there’s sometime a lack of transparency?
Looking it up on RateBeer, we learn that this “Prototyp” is brewed at Vormann Brauerei (Hagen-Dahl, Ruhr, Germany), a fact that is not in evidence on the website of the Kreativbrauerei Kehrwieder (Hamburg, Germany).
No matter, you may say… The most important thing is the quality of the product. But either RateBeer is mistaken or the brewery did not feel it was necessary to point it out. However, I think that people should not be able to pretend that they brewed something when they didn’t. At this stage, let’s give the brewery the benefit of the doubt. But generally speaking, this issue is coming up more and more.
The beer? Well, this 5.9%-ABV Prototyp is very pleasant. Made with Saaz, Simcoe, Northern Brewer and Perle hops, and with Bohemian malt, this premium lager is highly fragrant. It also has the fruitiness of a pale ale. Its best quality is its excellent balance between a nice acidity, sweetness, and aromatic diversity. A very nice fresh brew, and a surprising profile for a bottom-fermented beer.