An Irish Traditional Porter
According to the beer historian Martyn Cornell, the name “porter” is associated with London street and river porters who needed calories to stand up to their hard working day. “The brown beer London’s brewers produced at the beginning of the 18th century was just the sort of refreshing, energising brew the porters wanted, and its popularity with the portering class is why it was given their name.”
In Ireland, porter was first brewed in 1776. Today and in that country, this style of beer accounts for 34% of the market.
This Knockmealdown Porter is inspired by the classic Victorian recipe: a rich and full-bodied flavour with roasted coffee tones.
Eight Degrees Brewing (Mitchelstown, County Cork), established by Scott Baigent and Cam Wallace — a Kiwi and an Aussie — has produced a generous and very flavourful 5%-ABV porter. Softly astringent, this beer develops an espresso malty sweetness balanced by a long dry finish. It’s a lovely drop kick that rates high scores: 81 on Ratebeer, 86 on Beeradvocate. A very good example of a well-made traditional porter.