A Very Nice Wolf Cub Named Lupulus Organicus
Fifteen years ago, it was rare, and even quite whimsical. Who was offering organic beers then? Very, very few people. It’s clearly not yet the rule nowadays, but it’s no longer the exception. It certainly will be the standard of tomorrow.
Despite strict regulations and costly production, the market is increasing year by year. The fashion for all things “organic”, “fair trade” or “recyclable” is imposing its mechanical effect on the entire economy. And there’s no reason whatsoever why it should be any different with craft beers.
Not all countries are in the same boat in terms of regulation. But it’s generally argued that an “O” beer is produced with only organically-grown ingredients and using no chemical additives. The quality of the water has to be taken into consideration too, but that’s another story.
What strikes me the most when I taste an organic blond beer with a relatively high alcohol content is the quality of the nose, and that’s true in this case. Lupulus Organic titrates 8.5% ABV, and exudes a fabulous hopped freshness. It’s true that the Les Trois Fourquets brewery (Courtil, province of Luxembourg, Belgium) gives particular attention to the choice of its hops. So, no surprise there.
Meanwhile, inhaling this triple becomes a true adventure of the senses and a real invitation to savour the aromas of citrus fruits, cereal and pineapple. And we guess, only with the nose, that this triple is atypical, with a very pronounced bitterness. And indeed it proves to be a bitter and nevertheless linear beer. For sure, a splendid organic brew.