A Nice Freaky One
Even in its country, this “Freaky” remains relatively little known. Nevertheless it possesses much charm. It’s a light – 3.8% ABV – and thirst-quenching beer, marked especially by a wild yeast which is reminiscent of an Orval, but more fruity. This yeast is an in-house peculiarity, named “Morpheus,” researched at the brewing and malting laboratory of Leuven university. In my opinion, it’s surprising to find so many flavours and such bitterness despite an alcohol level this low.
Created in 2004 by two enthusiasts, Davy Spiessens and Glen Castelein, since 2011 the Alvinne Brewery has been located in Moen (West Flanders, Belgium). The annual average production is 2,000 hl of a rather broad range of twenty different beers.