Hobnob with Chocolate!
Meantime Brewery was founded in 1999 by Alastair Hook, trained in the art of brewery at the Technical University of Munich. Located in Greenwich (South East London, England), this company has built a worldwide reputation for innovation. In 2008, Alastair Hook was named Brewer of the Year by the British Guild of Beer Writers.
Among the ten beers of the range I chose the Chocolate Porter, an Imperial stout or Baltic porter style. As soon as you uncap the bottle, your space is suddenly flooded by chocolate and dark malts. This beer is one of the most aromatic I know.
It’s an exuberant and demonstrative beer. But it’s not a gimmick. It has a complex character which demonstrates the craftsmanship level of the brewery. So, if you want to discover a unique stout flavoured with real chocolate… taste it!