Calm Comes from the North
Let’s begin with a curiosity: The alcohol concentration of this beer is 4.7%. And the curiosity is that in Norway, regular stores cannot sell alcoholic beverages above 4.75% ABV. That’s why many craft breweries in that country produce beers at or below that limit. It’s the only way they can compete with industrial producers within the borders.
The Ægir Bryggeri (Flåm, Aurland Municipality) was founded in 2007 by Aud Melås and an American, Evan Lewis. In a country where pilsner and dark lager rule supreme, this brewery launched a wide range of beers, including real ales, porters, and barleywines.
What we have here is a “Blonde Ale” with citrus and pale malt aromas. Medium-bodied, its flavour is divided between caramel and grainy malts, fruits and herbal hops. A well-made, soft beer, elegant without being excessive, with a very controlled, almost discreet bitterness. A smooth ale, technically flawless, albeit perhaps lacking in passion… The ideal product for a pub.