A Bit of Germany on the North Pacific
In Mexico, beer has a long history. A long history that goes back beyond the Spanish conquest, that is to say prior to the 16th century. The beer industry began to develop shortly before the end of the 19th century, prompted by an immigration of Germans during the Second Mexican Empire (1863-1867). At the beginning of the 20th century a large number of breweries settled throughout the country.
During the century, many small breweries were absorbed by two major groups, FEMSA (founded in 1890 under the name Cervecería Cuauhtémoc), and Grupo Modelo (founded in 1925 under the name Cervecería Modelo). Most beers consumed in the country are industrial lagers, the best known of which is Corona (Grupo Modelo), one of the five most consumed beers in the world.
Microbreweries have emerged, but it must be recognized that the phenomenon remains relatively modest and is absolutely not comparable to the US and Europe. It’s only been two years since it started to acquire some importance. In any case, Mexican craft beers remain very difficult to find outside the country’s borders.
In this context, here is Colimita, a 4.2%-ABV lager, brewed by Cervecería de Colima, located in El Trapiche in the state of Colima, and active since 2014.
It has the malt profile of a Helles, the hop profile of a Pils, and its master-word would be sweetness. In other words, in my opinion, it’s a Dortmunder, a slightly floral beer that a Mexican would gladly accompany with a good mescal instead of the traditional lemon juice. Not spectacular (but how could it have been otherwise?), but a nicely made lager to discover.